
Jun 25, 2013

My creativity is on fire

So it's been quite a while since my last post. I have been settling into my new role as mommy, working on our house and letting my creative side run wild. A personal goal I made for myself which I hope I am able to reach is to sign up to be a vendor in a market or craft fair before I go back to work. The clock is ticking so I'm not sure if this will materialize. I have been whipping up storms of items but I am giving it all away to friends and family, making them for us or our home.

It all kind of started when I made a painting for our newly arrived baby cousin. Then  my cousin asked me to paint her daughter a Hello Kitty painting for her new room, then a Super Mario one for her son.

I then made a shopping cart cover so our little guy would stop licking and chewing the sides of the carts. I'm pretty sure it made me gag a few times. I couldn't handle all that nastiness in his wee little mouth. I painted a rock for our garden like Bilbo Baggins's. Then I decided I wanted to try my hand at quilting. First with a table runner for an old chest we have - its where we have the kitty food dishes. It turned out awesome, I winged it and I measured what I needed then I got creative. I was pretty impressed with my results. Then I decided to use the leftover fabric to make a new cushion cover for a cushion cover we love that the washing machine decided to eat. That looked great, so I had to make a second. With the second I tried appliqué of our family name with letters I made and it looks pretty spectacular.

With Father's Day we made daddy; a tshirt, a TARDIS coffee cozy, and 3 felt Doctor Who Dolls. I tried to make ones that my husband didn't have in some form or another. I ended up making him The 9th Doctor, his companion Rose and a Weeping Angel - complete with moveable arms. All Doctor Who fans will understand the importance of this. Our little guy has commandeered all the Doctor Who dolls and I think he is in love with Rose. But really who can blame him hehehe.

We made grandpa a Nautical flags banner that spells grandpa. Lets see then I made an alien spaceship for my new nephew - have to nerd this boy up hehehe.

The latest projects have been tutus for my nieces a princess inspired one with a tiara and a Minnie Mouse inspired one with mouse ear hair clips.

It was fun getting my little guy to model the tutus and accessories, he loves the crown so much I am in the process of creating a Game of Thrones inspired crown for him - the first of many I'm sure. I am also working on a Hello Kitty inspired tutu and hair clips and a superhero cape and mask.  I think it's fair to say I'm in a good place right now and having these outlets for my creativity is doing wonders. If there is interest in anything I make I will add some things to my etsy shop just let me know :). Thanks for reading

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